Dedication of Tony Bingham's Bearing Witness: the Praise House
Artist Tony Bingham speaks at the dedication of Bearing Witness: Praise House-Sun Shadows
The dedication of Bearing Witness: Praise House-Sun Shadows, a site specific sculpture, was held on October 15, 2022 at the Wallace House. The sculpture is the work of Tony M. Bingham, an African-American artist who is an Assistant Professor at Miles College, an HBCU in Birmingham. The work honors the spiritual practices of the enslaved ancestors and their descendants. The opening ceremony included a short talk by the artist and consecration by Darren Mitchell, Associate Minister of the Scotts Grove Baptist Church . A short film about this work is found here. Bingham has had two exhibits this year, Praise House - Sun Shadows + Four Vessels for Aunt Daisy at the Bolivar Art Gallery at the University of Kentucky and The Ancestral Light Series at the Alabama Contemporary Art Center in Mobile. He may be contacted by email.